Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Twenty Eighteen

Oh, 2018, what a strange year you were. I feel as though the year taught me a few different things and so to start the New Year, I thought I'd share them with all of you.

1. Saving is Better Than Spending
After a pretty spendy Christmas on myself, friends and family, I've decided to reign it all in, and start to think about saving more than I'm spending and just having more control over what I'm buying and making certain things more of a treat. I'm starting to set the boundaries of what I need versus what I just want. And I feel like this is a lesson that everyone can take on board, cause as much as people like to spend, I also like to know I have some money put aside ready to set my future up.

2. There's No Better Time Than Now
This almost leads in to my last one, so I had already decided as soon as Christmas was done that I wasn't spending anymore money. And it made me think, why do people wait for a new year to start before they decide to start changing things? If you really wanted to change something, it's something that you could change at any time and shouldn't just be because of the New Year.

3. Set Yourself Realistic Goals
If you are someone who likes to set resolutions, that's completely fine but I've always found that sometimes it's better to set yourself an end goal for the year, instead of trying to change too many thins in your life at once. And always make sure that the goal is a realistic one as it's something that you want to be able to say you've managed to achieve 12 months later.

4. Everything Does Happen for a Reason
I wouldn't say I've ever been someone who doesn't believe this, but I've always been sceptical of it, just due to the type of person I am. However, I feel like 2018 has it's ups and downs and it really did show me that sometimes things have to happen in your life for you to be able to move on and make changes, and it usually always works out for the best even if it doesn't feel like it at the time!

5. Sometimes You Have to Put Yourself First
It's okay to have some time to yourself and be selfish from time to time, how are you supposed to look after the people around you if you don't give yourself time to look after yourself? I feel as though the last year has showed me that I need to take more time for me and just put my feelings and self care first more often because at the end of the day, you're the most important person in your life.
6. It's Okay Not To Be Okay
Over the past year, I feel like this has a been a phrase that has been drummed into people and it really is true! The last year has been one of the most testing years for me in terms of who I am as a person and where my own head is at, and it truly makes you realise you don't know mental health until you live it. I can safely say, I'm glad I took the courage to do something about the way I'd been feeling and can say it's made almost every aspect of my life so much better, including my job, relationships and just how I feel about life in general.

I hope you've all enjoyed this little read, and hopefully I'll be back soon with another one! Let me know what kind of goals and resolutions you are setting for yourself in 2019!

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